The Data Foundation You Need for More Effective Sales and Marketing
Together, ClickDimensions Customer Data Solutions provide the data foundation you need to run effective campaigns, attract new leads, engage them with relevant content, convert them into paying customers and keep them for a lifetime. Want to see how customers use our tools? View our Case Studies page here.

Understand and Improve Your Data Quality

Clean and complete data is the cornerstone for effective revenue generation. ClickDimensions Clean and Activate Services can help you get to the root of customer data issues and provide a roadmap for future data maturity. This one-time data optimization and enhancement service helps you understand the current picture of your organization’s data health, enrich your account data and plot a course for quickly arriving at your ideal data quality destination. Learn more here about how our data services experts can help you drive revenue growth in your business.

Proactively Manage Your Data Quality

Inaccurate and incomplete data is the top inhibitor of effective sales and marketing in today’s data-driven world. ClickDimensions Data Integrity, powered by InsideView, is 100 percent focused on sales and marketing data – providing the highest quality data with native integration into Microsoft Dynamics 365. ClickDimensions Data Integrity gives you complete control over updates to your data, allowing you to select the specific data you want to enhance, what actions you want taken on that data and how often. And at-a-glance reporting dashboards make it easy to gain actionable insights into ongoing CRM health.

Intelligently Engage Your Audiences

Buyers today demand personalized interactions and communications that organizations can struggle to deliver without the right data. ClickDimensions Insights, powered by InsideView, helps you find more of the right leads, engage with them on a deeper level and win more deals — all faster and easier than ever. The information in ClickDimensions Insights is constantly updated from more than 40,000 financial, editorial, media and social sources and provides access to more than 16 million company and 47 million contact profiles worldwide so you can optimize the revenue process and update your CRM with just one click.